The Art of Being Curious and the Gift of Being Salvaged.

Just a few days before the newest issue of Art Journaling Magazine became available in the news stands, I received my own copy and I could’t be more thrilled.

It was such an exciting gift to be chosen once again for publication and for the cover of this best selling magazine. Nevertheless, if I am honest, it was not only the fact of being published again that was exciting, but rather the deep meaning of the page from my journal that was chosen for the cover. It was not until I had it in my hands and paid close attention to the details in my own scribbles and collage that it all made sense to me. Life has a way of bringing us full circle, inviting us to enter into a space of joy and reflection as we encounter very significant moments which can connect us to parts of our stories that we might have forgotten about.

When I connected the specific memories from that particular season to the mark making, creative collages that I made for an old door in the placed I had to live in for a period of time…when I reflected on the experience that marked that season and that defined such a big part of my life… this page chosen for the cover took on a whole new meaning for me.

I wrote a poem that reflects a picture of my heart as I reflect on what was happening in those years, and how my creativity and my curiosity, were precious tools to keep me sane during a period of much darkness.

I’ve written this poem as a way to honor this full circle and how it connected me to a significant piece in my story, one that involves lots of collages, scribbled flowers and a long journey of healing. God’s ability of turning something really hard into something really beautiful, never cease to amaze me! That is the beauty of his redemptive love.

May you be encouraged today, He is not done with you.

So here it goes:

She dreamed of mending the broken pieces, those parts of her that scattered before her eyes, she tried to make sense of all the holes, and she strived to cover up all the scars. 

As she tried to make sense of the unspeakable, and the darkness that engulfed her frightened heart, there was a glimpse of light that bursted through charcoal, a hope for possibility in the vintage pages that held space for her cry.

Little did she know that all that scribbling, the collecting of phrases, images and random marks, would one day become the same elixir, the path for the healing of her heart. She covered some of the door with white paper, she added numerous symbols and marks, tons of lines pointing a way out, many verses, little words—something to catch a glimpse of the light.

Unfortunately the holes were persistent, they grew bigger with the years,and it took much more effort to seal them before a new hole would appear.

There’s no doubt that she tried hard, she searched for answers and looked for light. Her scared inner child became a worried teen fighting against despair, ’til the last option became clear.

She took a look at the yellow door, recognizing a strange form of art imprinted in the old frame, one that she used as a mural, and a way to express her heart .

She was curious about the meaning, after all, could that also be called art? Nope! she thought to herself : “I am no artist” and there is no reason for me to claim that. Nonetheless, looking back she can now see it was a beautiful collage.

That collage revealed some of her story, of course incomplete, wrinkled up, and with many scars. It represented the tears, the cold floors, the humid walls, and unspoken pain, mixed with a fierce desire to fight.

Fight against the injustice, fight against the evil one, fight against the opposition, fight to do what was right…but she grew tired and weary, there is more to life than just fighting these fights, so she embraced her own failure, begun to drown in the dark night.

Then slowly as she was drowning, far away she saw a light and there was a diver coming to her rescue, he had a clear glass with her collage.

He attached the oxygen to her face, while she confused looked into His eyes,, and He said: “You, little one have been striving, you’ve been fighting too hard. I am so sad for what has happened, yet now you are SALVAGED and you’re mine. Let’s get to the surface and breathe, allow me to heal your broken heart, then I will show you new substrates, we have a story to write.

That yellow door full of holes, became a door that inspired, became the proof that there is light, even in the most horrendous darkness.

Therefore today I am here to remind you- He said – to remind you of who you truly are. You were not meant to be crushed, you were meant to be loved and reflect My heart. I will help you bloom again, like the flowers in your sketch, you will shine my light through art, through compassion and through faith.

Dear one, don’t hide your scars, you don’t need to doubt your worth. I will gladly take your marks from that yellow door to the world!

Let’s write a new script together, allow me to co-author with you because, after all your scars are filled with stories, that many others go through.

I am still redeeming stories, I am making all things new…if you allow me to keep healing all the parts that are still bruised- I can promise you one thing, an adventure filled with light, where you can live authentically, unapologetically wearing your scars.

My darling you are not a mistake, you are more precious than gold. Let me remind you, you have been SALVAGED, you are fully known and fully loved.

I love the story we are writing, one that is honest and real. It doesn’t pretend that it is perfect, but authentic even in the presence of fear. From the yellow door to the world, a beautiful reminder you see, that I am still making things new, and you are becoming who you were meant to be.

by -Jannette Simmons-

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